Tag Archives: Goodnight

Chew Chew Chew

10 Jul



It’s a struggle. There’s no doubt about it. Losing weight when you’re already average, eat well (most of the time) and workout consistently is a challenge. I’ve noticed a few things in the last few days where I have not journaled. I start off the day great. Small and healthy breakfast. I’m off to class and come back for lunch where I’m starved. I eat a healthy lunch but then my mind wants more. It’s not that I’m hungry. Actually, I’m very full. But I just want the taste, the texture.. Soon I’ll hit the gym- it’s around 5:45 and I’ll get home at 9. THEN I EAT. I eat I eat I eat. On nights where I’m with friends, especially smoking- don’t get me started. (Twix, Chex, GoldenGrahams, Leftover Burritos, DriedApple, RealApple, Weird combinations of sauces, SALSA, chipchipchips)

This has been consistent. And I know now that this routine needs to change. A helpful tip I received from a friend who has lost lots of weight and has maintained it for years is GUM. She said it saves her. There’s no doubt I need to invest in this as hunger is never the issue, but rather mindless eating. 

Next, is distractions. Keeping busy really will help me eat less. I can always be doing something. Especially because my home is based around the kitchen- I find myself snacking more and more. It’s difficult because studies have proven that eating with people makes you eat more, and that’s something I definitely embrace. This means going out to eat less and really be aware of what and how you eat.

For a moment here I thought this is ridiculous, so much work… blah blah blah. I don’t have to do this. No one is forcing me. But really it comes down to 


I think this whole losing weight thing hasn’t really been about appearance  but rather something that I can conquer, a challenge that I can work towards. I’m tired of giving up, giving in, and just letting go. I will do this and will do it alone. 

This leaves me with the last area that I must focus on. Exercise. Basic knowledge of weightloss is burning more than you consume. Let’s face it, I won’t be eating less than 1000 a day, so what does this mean? More exercise. This doesn’t mean running for hours but what it does mean is staying active. Moving moving moving. Need to read? Read on a bike. Standing around the house? Go walk the dog. Every moment can be used to further your goal. Any goal. Learning to play an instrument, finishing a book, or losing weight. This way, it won’t be about “not eating” or “dieting” but rather a healthy weight loss that relies on calories and nutrition. Si se puede! And I’m off goodnight!