Tag Archives: vanillaalmondmilk

Day 3ish (Really 4): Thank God I Can Be Saved

6 Jul


Has it really been three days? I started the 3rd and today is the 6th. Ah I guess I did skip a day but its safe to say that I earned it. Anywho. I’ve gotten better. MUCH better. Those insane amounts of cereal, lava cake, TWIX (don’t even like twix) all were not me, it was due to what I shall call my menstrual menace that just began yesterday. Woohoo! I thought I was going insane, especially since my weight shot up 7 freakin pounds.

Yesterday I was decently good. Good in the way that I ate well, not that I ate moderately- we’ll save that for today.. Vegetables, Chicken, more tasty tasty veggies. Oh yeah only ONE bowl of cereal which ended any trace of cereal or vanilla almond milk in my home. The only no-no was me discreetly picking out almost all of the m&m’s out of the big bowl of trail mix at my friends house (which I did get called out for). I got home at 2, and DIDNT EAT. When I was in bed there was a feeling of relief, that I can really do this. This morning what did I do? Woke up at 8 and hit the gym for a cycling class followed by an awesome dance class then some pilates. I have transcended that feeling I get when I eat well and maximized it by 100. Now there won’t be those regrets but rather some assurance than I am on the right track. Exercise is really key to any type of positive progress. Mood, physical well-being, and aesthetics. There is something about leaving the gym after you’ve showered into the car knowing that you did some great work. Your body thanks you through out the day as you’re more up and awake and more cautious of putting junk down your throat.

All I am really is grateful that it’s 3pm and I haven’t had any excessive amounts of sweets and processed foods. THANK GOD! I CAN BE SAVED. Now for some cashews…